Mission Statement
continually improve the
through the union of
Science is an open-ended search for the truth, an ongoing endeavor to understand, a process of forever asking both how and why. It involves the process of both trial and observation. It requires awareness, an understanding, and a skillful application of technology. Science invites both the lessons of being proved wrong as well as the celebrations of being right.
Compassion is born from the understanding of the inter-connectedness of all beings, and of all things. It is not just a willingness to be effected emotionally by the condition of others, but a commitment to act from that awareness. It brings the “resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sensitive with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and wrong... because sometime in our lives, we will have been all of these”.
Integrity is a reflection of wholeness. It is experienced when there is compatibility between that which is felt, that which is thought, and that which is acted. It is a path without a final destination, for the reward lies in it being traveled.
““Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what we choose, what we think and what we do, is who we become. Our integrity is our destiny... it is the light that guides our way.””
Statement of Purpose and Philosophy
Compassion for the lives that we have dedicated ourselves to improve will remain close to our conscious actions.
We will show empathy with all humans involved knowing that through compassion for others, we develop compassion for ourselves.
Our concern for our clients, their family and their environment will receive the best of our efforts and services including timely scheduling, clear and thorough communication, fair pricing, courteous behavior, and of course, audiometric and healthcare expertise.
Our quality of performance will be reviewed, considered, and encouraged to progressively evolve and improve.
Life is short and calls to be experienced, explored, and enjoyed to the fullest. This requires a respect for time away from work responsibilities as well as the ability to respond to life’s circumstances with awareness and thoughtful consideration as we work. Time invested in our life’s work is considerable, and this work demands our full attention and our best selves. Maintaining a positive, fun-loving work environment benefits our clients, vendors and those with whom we work.
The above are reachable goals, but obstacles and stumbling blocks are inevitable. This realization is fundamental in diminishing reactions of anger, judgement and frustration as challenges arise. A commitment to personal growth and understanding is paramount for self-responsibility.
Realizing that human kind has placed significant stresses on our planet, we will behave with active consideration of diminishing natural resources by consciously making efforts to conserve them. In doing so, we will honor and revere all life with which we share our imperiled planet.
Our actions will always be in line with the above statements. Remuneration for our undertaking and endeavors tends to be a natural consequence of great intentions. The bottom line must remain at the bottom.
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